After Buddhism: a workbook

by Winton Higgins

A companion to Stephen Batchelor’s After Buddhism

Each time the teachings of the Buddha entered a new culture outside their Indian birthplace, to gain traction in the new host society they have had to undergo renewal and reinterpretation.

Stephen Batchelor’s work represents a landmark in Buddhism’s sinking roots in the modern west, and his After Buddhism is his most systematic contribution to the process.

What is being left behind, Batchelor suggests, by the ‘after’ in the title is a set of received, conventional misrepresentations of the teachings, not their true beating heart.

After Buddhism: a workbook is the consummate guide to this thought-provoking work, offering the basis for periodic group and individual study of Batchelor’s text.

Winton Higgins’s humorous, easy-to-read text offers a fresh and accessible commentary on After Buddhism without compromising the depth of Batchelor’s experience or scholarship.

Jim Champion’s astute questions encourage readers to use this reissue of the Buddha’s teachings to reflect more deeply on the lives they’re leading, the individuals they’re becoming, and the world we inhabit.



  1. Read one chapter of After Buddhism: a workbook.
  2. Read the corresponding chapter (or part chapter) of Stephen Batchelor’s After Buddhism.
  3. Return to the workbook and go through the questions at the end of the chapter you just read, either on your own or with others.



Winton Higgins has been a dharma practitioner since 1987, and a teacher of insight meditation since 1995. He has contributed to the development of a secular Buddhism internationally, and is a senior teacher for Sydney Insight Meditators. He is a member of the editorial board of The Tuwhiri Project, which published his book, Revamp: Writings on secular Buddhism (2021).

He taught and researched in the politics discipline at Macquarie University until 2000. Since then he has been an associate in international studies at the University of Technology Sydney, while also engaging in creative writing. Winton has written two historical novels – Rule of law and Love death chariot of fire – published by Brandl & Schlesinger in 2016 and 2020 respectively.

He was a board member of the Australian Institute of Holocaust and Genocide Studies for 20 years from its inception in 2000, and teaches a course each year at the Aquinas Academy on various ethical, social and political topics.

Winton lives in Sydney with his partner, Lena.



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140 pages • 152 x 229 x 9mm

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